
Friday, December 24, 2010

Three for sticking with a fitness program

You look fantastic, feel great (albeit some sore muscles) and are really motivated to stay with your fitness plan this time. Yes most likely you will, if:

1. Your workouts are convenient to do/get to. If you join a gym ten miles out of your way to work and plan to go early in the morning, you're sabotaging yourself. Exercise has to fit conveniently into your life -- - the timing, the place, the equipment --- or you probably won't do it. That's rule #1. Don't create a plan that allows you to build in excuses: "It's such a late class." [Go on days when you can take an earlier class.] "My boyfriend was out on the bike so I couldn't ride." [Choose an activity that doesn't depend on someone else's schedule.] "I couldn't jog today, it was raining." [Have a backup indoor activity: stair-climbing, jumping rope, stationery bike.] Once you give in to an excuse, it gets easier to do so again and again.

2. Your goals are bite-size, not oversize. "I'm going to get in shape," you declare. Great, but that's a long-term, big-gulp goal. Break it down: "I'm going to jog twenty minutes a day three times a week." "I'm going to work my abs for fifteen minutes every other day." As you meet each goal, your confidence and satisfaction grow and you can set new small-bite ones.

3. You expect some discomfort in the initial weeks, during and after your workouts. The soreness does ease up, but in the meantime reward yourself: Get a massage after three weeks of working out. Get a boost everyday from an aromatherapy-enhanced bath or shower --- try new Sunrise Revitalizing Gel for Tired Legs and Feet. And even though it feels like your body's protesting, think of it as celebrating its better health.

(Important: Get a check-up and doctor's OK before beginning any exercise program.)

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