
Monday, December 13, 2010

Why not has better-looking skin at any age?

Don't dismiss Alphahydroxy acid care because your skin doesn't look age-conscious yet. Though their claim to fame is younger-looking skin, AHAs have other benefits, too. Such as:

Give a boost to stressed-out skin If the pace of your life is as speedy as most women's today, you're probably tired, whether you're 22 or 42. An AHA product --- mild if you're young, lOne Perfecting Complex for Face, with 4% AHA --- can improve the look of tired skin.

Beautifying for a big night out Ten minutes for an AHA "facial" and signs of the world's busiest day vanish, your skin feels revitalized and toned and makeup glides on beautifully. Here's how: Smooth on A NEW Alpha Peel-Off Facial Mask, lie down with your legs elevated higher than your head and close your eyes. Relax. The mask, blended with skin-enhancing botanical's, works in ten minutes --- enough time to put away the day and get psyched for the night. (The mask works without the lying-down part but doing both is a relaxing ritual.)

Soothing the next morning Great time last night? Not much sleep? A new Perfect Eye Care Cream SPF 15 helps reduce the look of eye-puff and dark circles. Cuts down on curious "Out late, huh?" questions at work, too.

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