
Monday, December 13, 2010

I want a firm, toned body!

Skin relaxes, loss of body tone, small beads that appear, the loosening of the skin affects all women, thin or round, and sooner or later. Indeed, we are not all equal with the quality of the skin; some will see their skin relax relatively quickly, while others enjoy a good capital firm. But the lifestyle also plays an important role in tone, dieting, lack of sports, pregnancy, lack of hydration, are all factors that will weaken and damage the collagen fibers and elastin, sensible ensure the maintenance of our skin.The sagging skin is natural, of course, but there are good habits that can limit the deterioration of the dermis and preserve the skin longer and release. Here are some tips that can help you find a skin firmer and smoother, habits that are ultimately more of a healthy lifestyle as a mission impossible!

To begin with, beware of too restrictive diets and weight yo-yo that often strains the elasticity of the skin! Indeed, taken and seeking weight loss skin is weakened gradually as fluctuations and eventually no longer able to regain its optimal quality.

It is therefore essential to adopt a balanced diet and avoid overeating and possible periods of dieting are too strict. Note also that pregnancy also play on the elasticity of the skin, you only see the distension of the abdominal skin between the beginning and end of pregnancy to understand that it must provide a major effort. Often, even after pregnancy, the abdominal skin does not recover its original elasticity and has small waves and a lack of elasticity. To avoid this, it is important to give him proper hydration throughout the pregnancy, the massage with a moisturizer every day and adopting a balanced and varied diet that will bring the elements it needs for the synthesis of fiber to its elasticity.

Similarly, pregnancy does not mean all afford, eat better, yes, but eating a lot more, not (except in cases of multiple pregnancies or teenage mother growing). You are pregnant and do not know what the food needs of a pregnant woman? Ask your doctor who will explain the basic needs of your baby and to adopt good eating habits throughout pregnancy.

Can not be overstressed; protect your skin from the sun! It proved, the UV free radical generators, these cells responsible for aging and thus the skin. Invest in a sunscreen with a higher and reapply every two hours when you are exposed. Essential point also avoids exposure between 12 and 16h, when the sun is the most aggressive.

Summer and winter, 20, 30, 40 and over, same story, remember to moisturize your skin every day! A dry skin ages and deteriorates more quickly than fat or skin well hydrated. So get your hands on a body lotion that you apply very moisturizing every day and a day cream moisturizer and protector for the face. It's a fact well-hydrated skin retains its elasticity longer. Let us not forget that hydration is also and foremost from within, so remember to drink your 1.5ld water per day knowing that teas and herbal teas also count.

Think sports! Nothing like a good muscle to regain a firm body. From twenty years, muscle mass tends to decrease, albeit slowly, but surely, since we consider that between 20 and 80 years, we lose almost 50% of our muscle mass! One used to fight against this phenomenon: talk. We are not talking necessarily intensive sport but 2 session’s weekly sports: swimming is particularly recommended to strengthen the body and tissues, but jogging, fitness, tennis, are all activities beneficial for our muscles.

Namely, there are now very efficient machines to work on muscle strengthening, for example we'll name the Power Plate, used especially by physical therapists for muscle development, which has proven and practiced in addition to a business' cardio, "gives us a figure redrawn! Finally, nothing like a vigorous massage performed at regular intervals to eliminate cellulite and tone the skin. The touch-roll or endermologie prove so very good allies of the skin firm and plump.

Finally, remember that for visible and lasting results, the important thing is regularity, better 2 sessions per week throughout the year, one meeting a day a few weeks before the holiday and the beach!

Stop smoking! Again this is no longer a secret; smoking slows the micro circulation and damages the skin, so anything like that to stop smoking to protect their capital strength.

Proteins and firm skin, a strong team! Its proven proteins play an essential role in the synthesis of collagen and elastin guardians of firmness and elasticity of the skin. Meat, fish, eggs, vegetable proteins ... it varies, and we consume one to two times a day (without abusing). Note the second advantage of the proteins that maintain our muscles, two good points for the price of one!
Finally, nothing prevents you from betting, in addition to rest, pharmacies that promise weight loss often firmer and smoother skin, a good idea to prepare your body for a summer bikini-beach

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